During the last months an increasing number of players decided to start again playing Europa Barbarorum multiplayer. After a long, long time of inactivity, the game started to live a second life.
For this reason, we decided to organise a small tournament: the 2018 "Welcome Back", titled after the happy circumstance itself.
Now, for the important things: the rules.
- Players are free to join without any limitation whatsoever: there is no need to have a specific amount of players to meet some prerequisites. Sign ups end on Monday the 30th of April. In order to join, you need to join the Steam group as well: send a friend request to me or Phillip V for the access.
- Players will be assigned a faction in the next few days, which is randomized among the 19 suitable factions for multiplayer (the Sab'yn are excluded for obvious reasons). In the tournament they can play only the faction they are assigned. The tournament officially starts on Monday the 15th of May, so players will have time to train with the chosen faction. The schedule is free, i.e. participants are free to talk with their opponents and decide day and time for the battles to take place. If one player is not satisfied with the assigned faction, he can ask for a new faction to be assigned. However, if he does so, he must stick to his second choice.
- The first part of the tournament is scheduled as a Round-Robin: each player plays every other player once. Each match between players is a Best of 3: whoever wins two battles wins the match.
- When the Round-Robin is over, the two players who have won more series go to the finals. If three (or more) players have the same number of wins, the two players who were defeated the least go to the finals. If the number of defeats is the same for more than two players, I'll come up with something else...
- The finals are scheduled as a Best of 5.
- The rules are listed in this page, and all participants are expected to follow them. Players who win a Best of 3 must be able to provide evidence of their victory, i.e. each replay needs to be saved.
Good luck to all, and have fun!
EDIT: The tournament has officially started. Players should now train their factions until the 15th of May.
VERY VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure to read carefully the tournament rules and use them when training, so that you get familiar with them. Remember: if you don't follow the rules, your opponent can call you out for that, bringing the replay as a proof, and in that case you receive an automatic loss that counts for the final result.
Below is the list of enrolled players with their factions.
Aeneas - Saka Rauka
antisocialmunky - Baktria
Gerd - Lusotannan
Karamawi - Pahlava
mephiston - Pontos
Phillip V - Koinon Hellenon
The Last Praetorian - Sauromatae
Trajan - Arche Seleukeia
A video of the first extraction (to show how the factions are randomly assigned) is downloadable here. The second and third parts are here.
Results of the Round Robin:
Aeneas vs Gerd 2-0
Aeneas vs Trajan 2-0
mephiston vs Trajan 2-0
mephiston vs The Last Praetorian 2-1
mephiston vs antisocialmunky 1-1 (in progress)
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